Sunday, August 12, 2012

Post-Operation Surprise!

I mentioned on my previous post, "Scruffy's Big Step," we took Scruffy to the vet for neutering.  As soon as we arrived at the clinic on Thursday morning, the assistants immediately prepared him for surgery.  After a few hours, we received a phone call from the clinic informing us that the surgery was over.

Scruffy spent the night at the clinic to rest and recover from the surgery.  We cannot help not to wonder how Scruffy will be when we pick him up the next morning.  We thought that maybe he will be less energetic and playful, and probably sleeping a lot.  But to our surprise, coming out of the treatment room, he was pulling the leash, eagerly trying to sniff and lick our toes.  He was jumping up and down with excitement, and happily wagging his tail, as if nothing happened.

However, no matter how energetic Scruffy seemed, I know that we was tired.  He looked thinner and his eyes were droopy, probably from lack of  or too much sleep and the effects of the medicine.  The cone in his head made him look like a running, little lamp shade or an antenna receiver (LOL!).  The cone was suppose to prevent him from licking the suture or the operated part.  But, knowing Scruffy, he will find a way to do what he wants.  It made it a little harder for him to reach the part, but he still manages anyways.

Right now, he is getting used to walking, running, eating, sleeping, and playing with the cone on his head.  At first, it bothered him a lot and he was trying to pull it out.  Especially, when he tries to scratch his ears or his head.  It must be frustrating not being able to scratch the itching part of your body.

Scruffy loves walking in between plant pots or tight spaces inside the house.  Sometimes he forgets that he has the cone, he will just run in between the spaces, and the cone slams on the sides and pushes him back.  Then he will try one more time, and figure out that he cannot really fit in.

Poor little Scruffy.  He has to wear the cone for a week.  But, if it is anything to help his fast recovery, then we will just have to help him get comfortable with it.  

Catching up with sleep...
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