Thursday, July 5, 2012

An "Unwanted" Joy

Who could resist this look?
"Life is as dear to a mute creature as it is to man. Just as one wants happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not die, so do other creatures." -- Dalai Lama XIV

How many of us have seen stray dogs or cats on the streets, or how many do we know have been in the pound or put to sleep?  The answer is "too many."  We do not know the stories behind each dog or cat, but for whatever reason their previous owners had to let their pets in such situation, it is heartbreaking. 

When I came across this quote while browsing the internet, it reminded me of Scruffy and how he became an important part of our family.

When we brought Scruffy home, he was barely five weeks old.  He is what people call a "freebie dog."  He was given to my aunt by an acquaintance for free.  I am not sure what the story behind it, but all I know was that the previous owner cannot afford to take care of many puppies.  So, they decided to give some of the puppies away, if not, they will be forced to put the "unwanted" puppies to sleep.  It was a sad story to think about, but as far as I know, the owner tried to find good homes for the puppies.

At home, Scruffy was shivering uncontrollably.  I assumed he was still trying to adapt to his new environment and being away from his mother for such a very young age. He looked so tiny and delicate.  He did not even have teeth yet.  He had cute little paws, small body, short legs, and a big head.  At least, that was what my cousin noticed.  His eyes are round and dark brown that pierce through your heart when he looks at you directly while begging.  He has ears that flip forward.

He is our first dog.  The only knowledge we have for taking care of dogs was from the internet and from what other people had told us.  Whether it is right or wrong, we do not know.  It was an overwhelming thought at first.  We really do have a live dog now.  He is not just some virtual pet, like Sims pet or Nintendo pet, that can be taken care of with a click of a button.  He is alive!  He responds to his surroundings and to us.  He is another life that we have to nurture and protect.

It is saddening to think that there are a lot of people who incautiously breed animals for business or profit, or those who do not know how to take care of their pets and let them accidentally reproduce.  It is  a great responsibility to take care of pets.  Not only it cost money to take care of them, but they need your time and attention as well. 
Sometimes, I cannot help wonder if Scruffy's previous owner managed to find new homes for the other puppies.  Nevertheless, we are grateful to have him and we are making sure to provide a comfortable and loving home for him to grow.


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